Here are some details about main cities and destinations that you should consider on your Ziarat.
The merits and methods of visiting the holy tombs is provided in a guide that is available at the following site:
The benefits of Ziarat are provided in the following guide:
Click on the icon below to see an illustrated guide for the major Ziarat sites in Najaf, Karbala, Kazmain, Samarra, and Kufa. It provides reference points with easy to read graphics.
The quality of hotels in Iraq is not very high standard. Most of the Hotels in Karbala’ and Najaf are poorly equipped and do not have English style bathrooms in all the rooms, so if you are disabled please make sure you carry (with you) a portable toilet. Click here for hotels by city.
There is exchange control in Iraq and Zuwars are advised not to cash their currency in stores but to ask their group organizer to exchange their money for them through the Tour Operator. We recommend you carry US Dollars bills (with you) in a mix denomination. Have some dollar bills to give away as ‘Baqshees”.
The exchange rate varies from month to month. You will not be able to reconvert the Iraqi Dinar to US Dollars. Last December 1997 the rate was about 1600 Iraqi Dinar to one US Dollar.
During the months of December, January, February and March are very cold and you will require thermal undergarments, winter coat and winter gloves.
March, April, September and October are pleasant months.
May, June, July and August are very hot months.
Najaf is about 53 miles from Karbala’. It has been narrated that there was a huge mountain where the city of Najaf is now. When Prophet Nooh A.S. son refused to get in the ark, he got on that mountain thinking it would save him from drowning.
Prophet Nooh A.S. prayed to the Almighty Allah to save his son but Allah’s reply was that he could not accept his prayers as his son had disobeyed Allah’s instructions to get into the ship.
The mountain suddenly fell to pieces and an ocean gushed out. This ocean was called NAY. After several years the ocean dried up and the place was then called NAY-JAFF (Dry Ocean). Later it came to be known as NAJAF.
It is also the city of Madressas for Ulemas and many renowned Ulemas like Ayatullah Burujardi, Ayatullah Mohsin Hakim, The Grand Ayatullah Abul Qassim El Khoue are buried in and around the Holy Haram of Imam Ali A.S.
Hazrat Imam Ali A.S.
He was the son of Hazrat Abu Talib and Bibi Fatima Binte Asad. The Prophet of Islam (SAW) raised him. He was always protecting the Holy Prophet during his Prophetic Mission.
He was married to the only daughter of the Prophet of Allah (SAW), Bibi Fatima Zehra A.S. and he was the proud father of Imam Hassan A.S., Imam Husayn A.S., Bibi Zainab A.S. and Hazrat Abbas A.S.
He was the hero of many the battle of Islam. It is narrated that the Prophet on many occasion said that “Ali is never separated from the truth and the truth is never separated from him”
At Ghadeer the Prophet proclaimed Imam Ali A.S. to be his brother and the leader of Muslims after him, but the people of the time ignored this and chose another leader whilst Imam Ali A.S. was busy with the burial rituals for the Prophet.
When the third elected leader was killed the people of the time begged Imam Ali A.S. to be the ruler. He accepted and ruled with justice and truth in the Islamic way.
On the 19th of Ramadhan, in the Masjid of Kufa, (while he was praying Fajr Salaat), he was struck by Abdul Rehman Ibne Muljim (may the curse of Allah fall upon him) with a sword. He died two days later and is buried in Najaf where Inshallah you will visit to pay your respect.
Prophet Adam A.S.
The first Prophet of Allah, was Prophet Adam A.S. who was created from clay by the spirit of Allah (SWT).
As soon as he was created, all the angels were ordered to prostrate to him. All obeyed except Shaitaan. Shaitaan was then ordered to leave Heaven, which he did. However, requested Allah to allow him to live as long as human beings live on the earth. His wish was granted.
One day Shaitaan came and fooled Prophet Adam A.S. and Bibi Hawwa A.S. to eat a fig from a tree. They ate the fig, which Allah (SWT) had ordered them not to touch. go near that tree. Immediately they realised their mistake and asked Allah (SWT) to forgive them. They were forgiven but were asked to leave Jannat and live on the earth.
Hazrat Adam is buried next to Prophet Nooh A.S. and Imam Ali A.S. is buried next to Prophet Nooh A.S.
Prophet Nooh A.S.
The people were giving Prophet Nooh A.S. a very hard time and were not prepared to accept that they should believe in one God. So, Allah (SWT) asked him to build an ark (ship) on which only the believing people could board with various kind of animal. The disbeliivers including one of his sons refused to board the Ark stayed behind on the mountain. The mountain crushed and all the bad people who took refuge on it were drowned.
Allama Hilli A.R.
He derived the name ‘Hilli’ from the village in the out -skirt of Najaf where he was born. He became a Mujtahid before he was baligh. He was one of the greatest “Uremia” and he died in Hilla. He is buried in the “Sahan” of Imam Ali's A.S. Raudhah.
Muqaddas Ardebilli A.R.
It is narrated that he once went to get water to perform wudhoo from a well. Instead of the water a he treasure came out. He put them back saying that he wanted water for wudhoo not treasures. He is buried in Najaf and his real name is Mullah Ahmed bin Mohamed. He too is just buried in the ‘Sahan’ of Imam Ali A.S. Raudhah.
Makam al-Imam Zainul Abedeein A.S.
This is the place where Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. used to spend hours in prayers. He like this place because if faces the Raudhah of Imam Ali A.S. Zuwar visit this place and recite munajats.
Prophet Hood A.S.
The people of his time were very rich and due to their wealth they were very strong and worshipped idols.
Prophet Hood A.S. repeatedly warned them to give up worshipping the idols and to turn towards one God but they did not listen. Allah (SWT) punished them and they were all killed except Prophet Hood A.S. and a few believers. His tomb is at Wadius Salaam, in Najaf.
Prophet Saleh A.S.
Allah (SWT) sent Prophet Saleh A.S. to Thamood. Allah sent a she-camel and instructed Prophet Saleh A.S. to tell the people of Thamood that they should not kill it. They did not listen and killed the she-camel. Allah (SWT) punished them by sending an earthquake and fire and they were all destroyed. His tomb is at Wadius Salaam.
Some 400 km from Medina in Saudi Arabia there is a city known as “Madain Saleh”. Many foreigners go to visit the ruins of this city. Allah (SWT) brought his curse on this city and the people there in.
Makam al-Saheb-Ul Asr A.S.
It is narrated that Saheb-ul Asr visits this place which is in the boundaries of Wadius Salaam.
Makam al-Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S.
This is also in the boundaries of Wadius Salaam.
Tomb Hazrat Kumail A.R.
He was one of the favorite companion of Imam Ali A.S. IMAM ALI A.S taught the famous dua Kumail that is recited on every Thursday to him.
Tomb of Hazrat Rashid Hijri A.R.
He was the companion of Imam Ali A.S. who had come from Yemen to Kufa. He was one of the most important friend of our Imam. One day Imam Ali A.S. asked him “what will you do if Bani Ummayah asks you to leave me?”
Rashid Al Hijri in turn asked our Imam “that if I do not leave you what will be my fate?” The Imam, replied “in that case you will be with me in Jannat”, to which Rashid Al Hijri replied, “so I will not leave you.”
It is narrated that after the Shahadat of our Imam, Abidalla Ben Ziad sent for Rashid Al Hijri and asked him to curse Imam Ali A.S. and his sons. When he refused to do so his hands and feet were cut off. Rashid Hijri continued to praise Imam Ali A.S. and Abidalla asked him to stop, but he would not, so his tongue was cut off.
Masjid al-Hannaana
This Masjid is between Kufa and Najaf. The fazilat of this Masjid is that when Hazrat Imam Hassan A.S. and Hazrat Imam Husayn A.S. together with others carried the ‘Janaza’ of Hazrat Imam Ali A.S. from Kufa to Najaf they passed near this Masjid. At that time the pillars of this Masjid inclined for “ta’azim.”
It is narrated that Hannan use to be a Church. When IMAM HUSAYN A.S. was martyred on the 10th of Muharram, Bani Ummayah carried his head on a plate. When Bani Ummayah passed by this church, now Masjid, the priest noticed that the face of Imam Husayn A.S. was shinning with light (noor) was coming out and was reciting an Ayah from the Holy Quran. So, the priest asked Bani Ummayah to leave the head with him for one night and
he addressed the head "who are you?" and the head replied I am Husayn Bin Ali and my grandfather is Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Bani Ummayah in Karbala’ killed me. The priest was moved with the reply and he immediately accepted Islam.
Hazrat Hamza A.S.
One of Hazrat Abbas A.S. son’s whose name was Ubaydullah was a resident of Medina. He was a great scholar of his time and he left a son named Hassan who also was a great scholar and Hazrat Hamza A.S. happens to be one of his sons. So he is the great grandson of Hazrat Abbas A.S.
Raudhah Of Muhammad Bine Imam Ali A.S.
He is also known as Baqar.
Raudhah Of Prophet Hazrat Ayub A.S.
Masjid Marad-Us-Shams
It is narrated that Imam Ali A.S. was nursing one of his sick son and the time of Asr passed and started entering into Maghrib. The Imam was very sad and looked at the sun. Through the mercy of Allah (SWT) the sun reverted to Asr time and the Imam said his Asr Salaat.
Raudhah Of Janab al-Qasim Bin Imam Moosa al-Kadhim A.S.
He is the brother of Imam Ridha’ A.S. who was heard saying that if you cannot visit me in Mashad then you should visit my brother in Iraq.
KARBALA - There Are Many Ziarats
Karbala’ al-Moa’lla, started as a small village to grow into a famous city in Iraq and is known worldwide since the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Husayn A.S. It is situated six miles from Baghdad. In the centre of the city is the sacred Raudhah of Hazrat Imam Husayn A.S. Within a walking distance one may visit the sacred Raudhah of Hazrat Qamar al-Bani Hashim, Hazrat Abul Fadhilil Abbas A.S. The dome and minarets of Imam Husayn’s Raudhah are covered with gold. It is the same field on which he was martyred on the 10th Muharram 61 AH under extremely cruel circumstances with his family and friends after suffering three days of thirst and hunger.
This great sacrifice ensured the survival of Islam as long as the world exists. It is highly recommended (Makhsusi) to be in Karbala’ on a Thursday Night for the Ziyarat of Imam Husayn A.S., and his companions.
Under the Dome and just touching the Zaree of our Imam is a piece of red coloured stone where we are told that we should recite two rakaat Salaat and ask for our Haajat which Inshallah will be fulfilled.
There are only four places where you can recite full Salaat even though the condition of ten days is not met. They are in Medina, Makkah, Raudhah of Imam Husayn A.S. under the Dome and Masjid al-Kufa.
Hazrat Ali Akbar A.S.
He was Imam Husayn’s A.S. eldest son. He was 18 years old when he gave his life for Islam on the fields of Karbala’. It is narrated that whenever Imam Husayn A.S. wanted to do Ziyarat of the Prophet of Allah, he would look at Hazrat Ali Akbar A.S. because of his resemblance to the Holy Prophet.
On the morning of Ashura at the time of Fajr Salaat, Imam Husayn A.S. asked Ali Akbar A.S. to recite Adhaan.
He is buried next to Imam Husayn A.S.
Ali Asghar A.S.
He was the youngest son of Imam Husayn A.S. who was only 6 months old. He is also known as Abdullah Tiflan al-Ardhia). When all the relatives and the companions were martyred, Imam Husayn A.S. went to fetch Ali Asgher A.S. and told him something in his ears. Immediately the baby jumped into the Imam’s arms.
The Imam covered him with his Aba and took him towards the army of Yazid. Yazid thought that the Imam had brought the Holy Quran and was going to ask for mercy, but instead the Imam put the baby on the hot sand of Karbala’ and spoke to the army loudly and told them that if he (the Imam) was at fault then the 6 months old baby was not and that they should come and give the baby some water.
They did not but instead Hurmala (may curse of Allah on him) pulled a three headed arrow and aimed at the baby piercing his little neck and the arm of Imam Husayn A.S. He too is buried next to our Imam.
Ganj al-Shohada
This is a mass grave where all the Shohad al-Karbala’ are buried. It is narrated that even Shah Qassim the son of Imam Hassan A.S. is buried in here.
This is the place where Shimr Maloon (may the curse of Allah be upon him) sat on Imam Husayn’s A.S. chest and martyred him.
Hazrat Habib Ibne Mazahir A.S.
He was the childhood friend of Imam Husayn A.S. When he reached Karbala’ and so that the army of Yazid surrounded him he sent a letter to Habib informing him of the situation and asking him to come to Karbala’ to help the Imam. Immediately, Habib came to Karbala’ and went to fight for Islam and was martyred on the day of Ashura.
His tomb is just outside one of the doors to the Raudhah of Imam Husayn A.S.
Hazrat Ibraheem Bin Musa Kadhim A.S.
At one time he was the governor of Yemen. He was the grandfather of Sayyid Murtaza A.R. and too was martyred by the Abbaside Caliph.
His tomb is just outside the Raudhah of Imam Husayn A.S.
Till al-Zainabia
This is a small hill facing the Raudhah of Imam Husayn A.S. and it is from this hill that she was witnessing the fight of her beloved brother Imam Husayn A.S., his family and companions.
This is just behind Tille-Zainabia. Here all the tents of Imam Husayn A.S., his family and companions were pitched.
Raudhah Of Hazrat Abbas A.S.
He was the stepbrother of Imam Husayn A.S. and his mother’s name is Ummul-Banin. When Imam Ali A.S. was on his death bed he called Hazrat Abbas A.S. and put his hands in the hands of Imam Husayn A.S. and told Hazrat Abbas that this, pointing to Imam Husayn A.S. is your master and that you are like his slave so on in Karbala’ on the day of Ashura you must help him and fight for Islam until death. Hazrat Abbas A.S. just proved that on the day of Ashura.
It is said that the distance between the Raudhah of Imam Husayn A.S. and Hazrat Abbas A.S. is the same as the distance between Safa and Marwa in Makkah.
Under the Raudhah of Hazrat Abbas A.S. there is a river running and is called Al-Kamma, though they have closed the entrance and is opened only to high dignitaries coming to Iraq from other countries.
It is narrated that a King by the name of Al-Kamma had stopped at Karbala’ and was very sad. So he tried to find out what this place was and why it looked very sad to him. The people told him that this place is called Karbala’ and one of the son’s of Prophet Muhammad (SWT) and his family will be martyred here on the day of Ashura and they will be denied water of the river Euphrates which we call ‘Furat”.
The king felt sorry and ordered that a canal be dug from the river Euphrates to the place where now stands the Raudhah of Hazrat Abbas A.S. unfortunately this did not help Imam Husayn A.S. on the day of Ashura.
Kafl Abbas
Kafl Abbas means the arm of Hazrat Abbas A.S. There were two spots near by outside the Haram of Hazrat Abbas A.S. One was destroyed during the Persian Gulf war and the second one is still there.
Hazrat Hurr
He was the commander of one of the Yazid’s battalion and he was sent by Yazid to stop Imam Husayn A.S., his family and companions from going to Kufa unless and until Imam Husayn A.S. gives ‘Bayat” (allegiance) to Yazid. When he arrived at the Imam’s camp, he (Hurr) and his entire battalion including horses were dying of thirst.
Immediately Imam Husayn A.S. gave orders to Hazrat Abbas A.S. that they be given water until their thirst including the horses are quenched, though the were the enemies of the Imam.
On the night of Ashura Hurr could not sleep after hearing the cries of small children from Imam Husayn’s camps crying for water. Early in the morning he asked his servant to tie his hands behind his backs and he went straight to Imam’s camp. When he was near the came he came down his horse and walked to where the Imam was and fell on his knees asking for forgiveness. Imam raised him up and told him that Allah (SWT) has forgiven you.
Hurr asked permission from the Imam to go and fight for Islam which he did but after sometime he was martyred and he is buried about 3 miles away from the city of Karbala’.
Raudhah of Janab al-Aun A.S.
He was the son of Bibi Zainab A.S. and he too was killed on the day of Ashura. He is buried some 10 miles from the city of Karbala’.
Raudhah of Mohamed & Ibrahim
They were the two sons of Hazrat Muslim Bin Aqeel A.S. and they were going to Imam Husayn A.S. to give him the message that their father had been killed. They were caught by Haris (may Allah send His curse upon him).
They are buried about 25 miles from the city of Karbala’ in the Musayyab area.
Mazaar of Salman al-Farsi A.R.
His original name of Rozeba and he was an Iranian from Iran formerly known as Persia. The Prophet of Allah (SAW) changed his name to Salman.
IMAM ALI A.S. made him a governor of Madayan but he died at the age of 88 years, a few weeks after his arrival in Madayan.
Mazaar Huzaifa al-Yemani A.R.
He was one of the companions of our Prophet and it is narrated that when he used to recite Munajats, the Angels used to come from heaven to listen to him.
Mazaar of Jabir Bin Abdallah Ansari A.R.
He was also one of the close companion of the Holy Prophet. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet told him that we would see the 5th Imam, Muhammad Baqir A.S., and to give his is salaams.
It is said that when he came to Karbala’, he first went to Nehr al-Furat, did Ghusl wore Ihram and then visited the graves of the Shohada al-Karbala’.
In the year 1934, Nuripasha the Vazir (Vice-President) of Shah Faisal the king of Iraq at that time, so a dream for three continuous days whereby Jabir told him that water was coming into his grave and that of Huziafa’s. He asked him to transfer them to another grave.
Nuripasha narrated the dream to Shah Faisal who said that he also had the same dream.
It was decided to transfer the bodies to another grave, which was announced. On 26th March 1934 and it was announced in the PTI News Agency worldwide. Some Germans reports also came to witness the transfer of the bodies. When the bodies were taken out of the graves they were intact with the same Kafan. Even the eyes were wide open with so much ‘noor’ and the hair of beard was still wet as if the bodies had just been given Ghusl. t. Salaat al-Mayyat was prayed again. The army saluted and the bodies were transferred to another gravesite next to Hazrat Salaman al-Farsi A.R. Many Germans reporters when witnessing this accepted Islam.
Tak al-Kisra
This used to be the summer palace of the King of Persia whose name was Nausherwaan. Because it can get very cold in Iran during winter. He built this some 1700 years ago and used to come and stay there during the severe winter months.
It is narrated that when the Prophet of Allah (SAW) was born, the famous arch in it, which is known as the Arch of, Catesiphon, developed cracks in it. Visitors can still see the arch as well as the cracks in it.
Masjid al-Kufa
It is narrated that many Prophets have visited this Masjid and have performed Salaat, that is why there are many places where Zuwar recite Ziyarat and perform two rakaat Salaat.
1. Main Entrance
2. Makam al-Hazrat Ibrahim a.s.
This is the same Prophet that built the Ka’aba in Makkah and was ready to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismaeel at Munna.
3. Makam al-Hazrat Khizr A.S.
He is still arrive and one of his miracles is that when leans on a dry stick it becomes fresh green.
4. Place of Miracle
It is narrated that during the time Imam Ali A.S. a group of people wanted to stone a woman to death because they thought that she had committed adultery as her stomach was bulging just like that of a pregnant woman.
Imam Ali A.S. had happened to be present at this place and he was asked to give his decision. Imam Ali A.S. asked them to bring a big tub and told them to fill it with water and put a curtain round it. Then she asked the woman to go and sit in this tube, which she did and after
some time her stomach returned to her normal shape and it was proved that she was not pregnant.
5. Court of Imam Ali A.S.
This is the place where Imam Ali A.S. used conduct his daily court.
6. Well of Hazrat Nooh A.S.
Hazrat Nooh A.S. had also visited Masjid al-Kufa. In fact inside the Masjid there is a place where the arc of Nabi Nooh stood.
7. Entrance to the Well
This used to be the entrance to the well of Hazrat Nooh A.S.
8. Makam al-Hazrat Muhammad A.S.
This is the place where the Prophet of Islam used to stay and pray when visiting visit Masjid al-Kufa.
9. Makam al-Hazrat Adam A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Adam A.S. used to stay and pray when visiting Masjid al-Kufa.
10. Makam al-Jibra’el A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Jibra’el A.S. used to stay and pray when visiting Masjid al-Kufa.
11. Makam al-Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S. used to stay and pray when visiting Masjid al-Kufa.
12. Makam al-Zainul Abedeen A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Imam Zainul Abdedeen A.S. used to stay and pray when visiting Masjid al-Kufa.
13. Makam al-Hazrat Nooh A.S.
This is the place inside Masjid al-Kufa where the ark of Hazrat Nooh A.S. stood.
14. Shahadat Place of Imam Ali A.S.
Inside Masjid al-Kufa our Imam was struck by a poisoned sword by Ibn al-Muljeem on the 19th day of Ramadhan.
15. Place Where Imam Ali A.S. Used To Pray During The Night
16. Ruaza of Hazrat Muslim-Ibne-Aqil A.S.
Just outside the boundary of Masjid al-Kufa is the Raudhah of Hazrat Muslim Ibne Aqil A.S. He was the cousin of Imam Husayn A.S. who had sent him to Kufa as his deputy before him but was killed by Yazid’s men.
17. Mazaar of Mukhtar A.R.
He was the first person to took the revenge of Imam Husayn A.S.
18. Mazaar of Hazrat Hani Ibne Urwa A.R.
Hazrat Muslim A.S. stayed at Hani’s House when he arrived in Kufa. Hani too was then killed by Yazid’s men.
Raudhah Of Khadijatul Kubra Binte Imam Ali A.S.
Just outside Masjid al-Kufa and across the road is the Raudhah of Khadijatul Kubra.
House of Imam Ali A.S.
Behind Masjid al-Kufa is the house of our Imam and inside the house there is a place where Imam Ali A.S. lay on his deathbed in the presence of his family members.
There is also a room where it is said that Imam Ali A.S. was given Ghusl at the place.
Further up there is a well and Zuwar take the water for Tabaruk. It is better to put on your arms and forehead and just touch the tongue for Shafa.
Matham Bin Tammar A.R.
He was a close companion of Imam Ali A.S. and also was his business partner running a date shop. The name Tammar is derived from Tamr that means dates. He too was killed for his love of Imam Ali A.S.
It is narrated that a wealth businessman came to Najaf from Karachi with his son who had blood cancer. He visited Imam Ali’s A.S. Raudhah in Najaf he cried, prayed and made a wish that if his son is cured then he will get any kind of work to be done at the Imam’s Raudhah. With the blessings of Allah (SWT) and the dua of Imam Ali A.S. his son recovered completely and as he had made a wish he went back to Najaf and asked the Mutavallis if there is any work that has to be done or completed at the Imam.s Raudhah.
The Mutavallis replied that off hand they do not know but they will think about it. At night when the Mutavalli was sleeping he dreamed that Imam Ali told him that do not do any work in my Raudhah, but instead, build the Raudhah of Maytham’s properly because it is in very bad shape. So the work was done on Maytham’s Raudhah.
Raudhah of Zaid Bin Ali Bin Alhussain Bin Imam Ali A.S.
Al Hajjaj asked Zaid Bin Ali to curse Imam Ali A.S. otherwise he will be killed. He refused, so he was killed and his body was hung on the palm tree for four years till he was dried and the palm tree started growing branches besides the main trunk of the tree, which is unusual, but it grew and is still there until this day. We have been told there is no such kind of a tree anywhere in Iraq. If the palm tree with all it’s extension is cut it at the top, it will be noticed that it forms a letter ‘Allah” in Arabic. This can be witnessed in one of our Ziyarat videocassette.
Sketch of Masjid al-Kufa
1. - Main entrance 10. - Makam al-Jibra’el A.S.
2. - Makam al-Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. 11. - Makam al-Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S.
3. - Makam al-Hazrat Khizer A.S. 12. - Makam al-Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.
4. - Place of Miracle 13. - Makam al-Hazrat Nooh A.S..
5. - Court of Hazrat Imam Ali A.S. 14. - Shahadat Place of Imam Ali A.S.
6. - Well of Hazrat Nooh A.S. 15. - Night prayers place of Imam Ali A.S.
7. - Entrance to the well 16. - Raudhah of Hazrat Muslim Bin Aqil A.S..
8. - Makam al-Hazrat Muhammad A.S. 17. - Mazaar of Hazrat Mukhtar A.R.
9. - Makam al-Hazrat Adam A.S. 18. – Mazaar of Hazrat Hani Ibne Urwa A.R.
Sketch of Masjid al-Sahla
1. – General entrance 06, - Makam al-Hazrat Idris A.S.
2. – Place for Wadhu 07. - Makam al-Hazrat Khizer A.S.
3. – Main entrance 08. - Makam al-Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S.
4. – Makam al-Saleheen 09. - Makam al-Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S.
5. – Makam al-Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. 10. - Makam al-Imam Hujjat A.S.
Masjid al-Sa’asa Ibne Sanhan A.R.
It is believed that here too the head of Imam Husayn A.S. was kept when Yazid was taking the heads of the Shoahada and the Bibi from Karbala’ to Damascus via Kufa.
Masjid al-Sahla
It is the second most important Masjid after Kufa. It is also the house of Prophet Idrees A.S., Prophet Ibrahim A.S. and Prophet Khizer A.S.
At all places Ziyarat is recited and two rakaat Salaat is prayed by all Zuwar.
1. General Entrance to the Masjid
2. Place for Doing Wadhoo
3. Main Entrance To The Masjid
4. Makam al-Saleheen
This is the general place for saying your prayers.
5. Makam al-Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. used to visit and say his prayers.
6. Hazrat Makam al-Hazrat Idris A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. used to visit and say his prayers.
It is narrated that Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq A.S. said that he had a vision and saw Imam Al Mahdi A.S. coming down in Al Sahla Masjid with his family and children and it is his place of residence.
It is also narrated that all the Prophets who were sent to this earth by Allah (SWT) had prayed in this Masjid and any Momineen who prays in this Masjid will come back to visit it again. There is also a rock there which has all the names of all the Prophets. It is also said that if one asks for Haajat here with a clean heart will Inshallah be fulfilled.
It is also believed that the Angles come to pray in this Masjid and also Imam Saheb-ul-Dhaman is always present in this Masjid for Ziyarat on Tuesday nights between Salaat al-Maghribain and Isha.
There are many Musallas where many Prophets and Imam have prayed.
7. Makam al-Hazrat Khizer A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Khizer A.S. used to visit and say his prayers.
8. Makam al-Zainul Abedeen A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Imam Zainul Abedeen A.S. used to visit and say his prayers.
9. Makam al-Ja’far Sadiq A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Imam Ja’far Sadiq A.S. used to visit and say his prayers.
10. Makam al-Imam Hujjat A.S.
This is the place where Hazrat Imam Hujjat A.S. visits and say his prayers. It is the practice of Zuwar to recited dua Tawasool at this place.
Samarrah used to be the capital of Iraq and is situated on the banks of river Tigris. The old city has, however, turned into ruins. The new city is located around the Raudhah that contains four tombs.
Raudhah of Imam Ali Naqi A.S.
He is our 10th Imam and he was the one that completed the rules of Taqlid to prepare believers for the occultation of 12th Imam.
Raudhah of Imam Hassan Askari A.S.
He is our 11th Imam and was kept under house arrest for a very long time. He was kept there because the ruler of the time did not want him to have a son, just like at the time of Hazrat Mussa A.S.
He was married to Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S. who gave birth to our 12th Imam. He became an Imam at the age of about four and half years when his father Imam Hassan Askari A.S. passed away. He led the Salaat al-Mayyat of his father.
Bibi Hakima Khatun A.S.
She taught Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S. about the rules of religion. She was present when the 12th Imam was born.
When our 11th Imam was put in jail, Bibi Hakima Khatun A.S. used to answer all the masaels, which the Shia Umah used to ask her. She was a very learned and pious lady.
Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S.
She was a princes from Roman who became a Muslim after seeing Bibi Fatima Zehra A.S. and the Holy Prophet (SAW) in her dream. She was the mother of our 12th Imam Mahdi A.S.
Our 11th Imam told Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S. that the army will enter our house to check whether any child is born to which Bibi Nargis Khatun A.S. told Imam, “Please pray for me that I die before they enter our house and make me their captive. She died before our 11th Imam’s shahadat.
Imam Mahdi A.S. – Our 12th Imam
Our Imam has many titles like, Sahebul Asr - Lord of the period of time, Sahebuz Dhaman - Lord of the age, Mahdi - Guide.
He has the same name as our Holy Prophet that is Muhammad. He was born in Sammarrah and was under his father’s care until his father was martyred. He became the Imam at the age of four and half years and went into occultation. He was only available to his deputies who were Uthman bin Saeed, Muhammad bin Uthman, then Husayn bin Rooh and finally Ali bin Muhammad Samarri. When the last of them was to die, Imam wrote to tell him that there would be more deputies after him and that he (Imam) was going into occultation until Allah (SWT) willed him to re-appear.
Makam al-Ghaibat of our 12th Imam A.S.
This is in the basement of the house of the 11th Imam A.S. where the shrine now stands. The entrance has been opened from the courtyard. It is said that this was the house of Bibi Nargis and our 12th Imam was last seen here.
Sayyid Muhammad Ibne Imam Ali Naqi A.S.
He was the son of Imam Ali Naqi A.S. the place where his Raudhah is used to be the cemetery of Shias. During the time of Hajjaj bin Yusuf thousands of shias were imprisoned here and when they died were buried there. No Shia was allowed to leave the area and because of the torment thousands of them died.
This Raudhah is very famous for couples who come to make a Nadr (wish) that they be blessed with a child. It is in Balad a small village near Samarrah.
It is a twin city of Baghdad and just a bridge between them separates these two cities.
Raudhah of Imam Musa Kadhim A.S.
Zuwar usually enter through the gate which is known as ‘Bab al-Murad’ which means the gate of fulfillment of wishes.
He is our 7th Imam and he was given the title of Kadhim that means one who swallows his anger. He also has another title that is Baabul Hawaaj, which literally means the door of fulfillment of wishes.
Harun Rashid had imprisoned our Imam and then poisoned him and left his body on the bridge of Baghdad. His body stayed on the bridge for three days then his followers buried him.
If you are lucky to be present in Kadhmain on a Thursday night you will see that it is difficult to even touch the Zaree of the Imam.
Raudhah of Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S.
He is our 9th Imam and he became an Imam at the age of
9 years and even at this age he answered all questions of religion to all including the learned ones.
His Raudhah is next to the Raudhah of Imam Musa Kadhim A.S.
Tomb of Sheikh Mufeed A.R.
He was given title Mufeed means one who brings benefit. His real name is Muhammad bin Numan. Even our 12th Imam A.S. addressed him in the name of ‘Mufeed’. It is said that he was the author of hundreds of books and one of the most important one being ‘Kitabul’Irshaad’ which is the life history of our 12 Imams.
His tomb is within the boundary of the Raudhah of our two Imams in Kadhemain and one can read the Marshia written on his grave that was the same Marshia recited by our 12th Imam when ‘Mufeed’ died.
Tomb of Khwaja Nasiruddin Toosi A.R.
It is narrated that our 12th Imam A.S. taught Dua al-Tawassul in a dream to bin Muhammad bin Hasan that is his real name. Residents of Khademain and its surrounding usually bring their sick relative and tie them with his Tomb and ask for Allah for Shifa.
Tomb of Sayyid Murtadha A.R.
He was a great scholar and wrote many books and was the student of Sheikh Mufeed A.R.
Tomb of Sayyid Radhi A.R.
Sayyid Radhi A.R. compiled the sermons of Imam Ali A.S. and the collection is known as Nahjul Balagha. He too was the student of Sheikh Mufeed A.R.
Tomb of Sayyid Ismail Safrudin A.R.
He too was a great scholar and wrote many books.
Just over the bridge from the Holy City of Khademain lies
Baghdad. It is a modern city and all around it are many Mazaar of great scholars.
Masjid al-Buratha
This Masjid is between Khademain and Baghdad and it is a very famous Masjid.
It is narrated that this was a church before at the time of Imam Ali A.S. and when the Imam A.S. returned from the battle of Naherawan, the Christian priest invited our Imam to rest here, which he did for three days.
During his stay he saw the people of the church go out very far to fetch water and Imam Ali A.S. asked the priest why he does not dig a well in the church compound? The priest replied, that they tried but got salt water.
Imam Ali A.S. just hit the ground with his heel and water gushed out which was cold and sweet. There is a black stone at this miracle place. Also there is a white stone with Ayat-tul-Kursi written on it.
Mazaar of Hazrat Uthman Bin Saeed A.R.
He was the first Chief Duputy of our 12th Imam A.S. who used to be in contact with him. He was also a close companion of our 10th and 11th Imam A.S.
Mazaar of Hazrat Muhammad Bin Uthman A.R.
He was the son of Hazrat Uthman Bin Saeed and after his father passed away he took up the duties as the second Chief Deputy of our 12th Imam A.S.
Mazaar of Husayn Bin Rooh A.R.
He was the third deputy of our 12th Imam A.S.
Mazaar of Ali Bin Muhammad A.R.
He was the fourth and the last of the deputies of our 12th Imam A.S. He received a letter from our Imam telling him that there would be no more deputies after his death.
Mazaar Of Hazrat Qambar A.R.
During the time of Imam Ali A.S. he was a slave and the Imam bought him and freed him. Hazrat Qambar A.R. told Imam Ali A.S. that I will agree to be freed only if you promise me that as long as I live I will be living at your house and helping you and your family.
There is a famous story that one day Hazrat Qambar A.R. was sitting on a camel leading the caravan when a needy person came to Imam Ali A.S. and told him that he was very poor and asked the Imam to help him. Imam Ali A.S. told him to take the whole caravan of camels. On hearing this Hazrat Qambar A.R. jumped from the camel and when Imam Ali A.S. asked him why he did that, to which he replied he gave away the whole caravan to the needy person and as I was sitting on one of the camel that would have included me too.
Mazaar Of Hazrat Haafiz Muhammad Bin Yakub Al- Kulyani A.R.
He was a famous narrator of hadiths of the Prophet of Allah (SAW) and the Imams.
Marja at- Taqleed
You should visit Ayatullah al-Odhma Sayyid Ali Husayni Seestani his residence is just behind the Raudhah of Imam Ali A.S. and you will need to make an appointment. You can pay him Khums, Sadaqa, nadr and other huqooq money also medicine and used clothes for the poor and he will issue you a receipt with his seal and signature.















